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Breaking News: MYGENBIO teamed up with Global Children Foundation(GCF)

Breaking News: MYGENBIO teamed up with Global Children Foundation(GCF)

Breaking News: MYGENBIO, a Smart Health Platform company, has recently teamed up with Global Children Foundation (GCF), an organization established in San Francisco in 1998 to support children in n...

How Can you deal with Type 2 Diabetes? Your lifestyle can be the answer

How Can you deal with Type 2 Diabetes? Your lifestyle can be the answer

Studies found that a healthy lifestyle will prevent type 2 diabetes.

Heart and Circulator System

Heart and Circulator System

Researchers develop new lab-based model of the heart and circulatory system.

Genetically at risk of stroke? A healthy lifestyle can help

Genetically at risk of stroke? A healthy lifestyle can help

Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and a major cause of disability and dementia. In the United States, adults aged 25 and over have a lifetime risk of stroke of around 24%.

Starbucks pays more for healthcare than coffee beans.

Starbucks pays more for healthcare than coffee beans.

Starbucks pays more for healthcare than coffee beans.