The Significance of Nitric Oxide
1 person dies from vascular disease every 6 seconds worldwide*
The cause of “vascular disease,” which has the highest mortality rate worldwide and the highest disease burden in Korea, is the decrease in nitric oxide production in the body due to aging.
(* Source: 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) vascular disease mortality statistics)
Why Nitric Oxide Production Declines
Nitric oxide, which keeps blood vessels healthy, is produced by the vascular endothelial cells in the arteries. However, as we age and the vascular endothelial cells become damaged, they cannot produce enough of the necessary nitric oxide, making us vulnerable to vascular disease.
* Cross-section of blood vessels by age

Vascular damage 0%
Vascular damage 20%
Vascular damage 50%
Vascular damage 85%
As we age, the vascular endothelial cells that produce nitric oxide become damaged, and nitric oxide levels drop below 15%, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Nitric oxide is produced by the endothelial cells of the arteries and performs signaling and other functions necessary for our body.
History of Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide research has led to important developments in various fields such as biology, medicine, and pharmacy since the 1980s. Nitric oxide is an important research subject in the field of life sciences, and it is expected to contribute to the treatment and prevention of various diseases in the future.
Signaling Molecule of Life, Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is an essential signal molecule that plays an important role in various biological systems, opening up new possibilities for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In particular, it has been revealed that nitric oxide plays an important role in various biological systems such as vascular health, the immune system, the nervous system, and the digestive system.

Quien somos
MyGenbio, una plataforma de salud digital, proporciona orientación y suplementos personalizados basados en resultados de pruebas individuales de "Pruebas a pedido" como ADN, biomarcadores y cuestionario de estilo de vida individual.
Estos tres resultados diferentes revelan los rasgos genéticos de cada individuo, la expresión génica (disponible en septiembre de 2023), las condiciones de salud actuales y el estilo de vida, que es diferente de los demás. Todas las pruebas son realizadas por el Laboratorio mygenbio clia Para proporcionar resultados más agudos y más rápidos, incluida la información segura de salud personal. Nuestra plataforma utiliza la IA y el aprendizaje automático para analizarlos y proporcionar una guía personalizada de optimización de la salud, incluida la recomendación de suplementos.

The Significance of Nitric Oxide
The cause of 'vascular disease', which has the highest mortality rate worldwide and the highest disease burden in Korea, is that nitric oxide, a substance that helps blood vessels relax, decreases as aging progresses.